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Support Survivors THRIVING!

Giving a VOICE to those who've been silenced for so long.

$80,220 raised

$100,000 goal


Hopeful Hearts Ministry aides in the long term recovery of survivors of abuse. Women and men from all walks of life come to Hopeful Hearts Ministry for one to one peer support, guidance and help along their healing journey, and partake in our various on line and in person empowerment programs.

Your support reaches survivors of incest, rape, physical abuse, emotional abuse, domestic violence, pastoral abuse, human traffick survivors, military abuse, and the list goes on. With your help we are able to bring more programs to survivors across the United States, we will give a VOICE to women and men who are ready to film their I Have a Voice project and offer more on line programming.

So many survivors had to suffer in silence - thank you for giving them a VOICE and the ability to THRIVE.